Have you ever stopped to think when you are out in public looking at all the different people you come across, wondering… What is your story? Are you happy? Are you hurting, angry, feeling alone? I guess working in the public for so long you start to realize looks can be deceiving. As you get to know a person they can be exactly the opposite of what your first impression might have been of them.
I have learned through my life, for the most part . People want to be accepted, loved and to be loving and caring to others.
We live in a world where a lot of people just want to belong. I love being with people that have the same interests and to create an environment especially in their own homes.
I know for myself my home is my Sanctuary. I know that sounds like a cliche.
But if you think about it isn’t it true? I love to surround myself with things that make me happy. Things that evoke a special memory.
Colors that I love.
But what I love most is when I have created things myself, for my home and to give to others.
For me having Parties, whether it be for a Baby shower,
Bridal Shower, Birthday Party, Ornament Exchange Party,Or just having your friends over for dinner. The bottom line is ..You are saying to them you are important to me you are SPECIAL!
We live in a world where a lot of people just want to belong. I love being with people that have the same interests and to create an environment especially in their own homes.
I know for myself my home is my Sanctuary. I know that sounds like a cliche.
But if you think about it isn’t it true? I love to surround myself with things that make me happy. Things that evoke a special memory.
Colors that I love.
But what I love most is when I have created things myself, for my home and to give to others.
For me having Parties, whether it be for a Baby shower,
Bridal Shower, Birthday Party, Ornament Exchange Party,Or just having your friends over for dinner. The bottom line is ..You are saying to them you are important to me you are SPECIAL!
So as time goes on, I would like to share things I have made and show you ideas to make gatherings say:” I care about you!” I know for the people in my life, I love to make and give things hoping it makes them feel a little bit more special than they did before they walked into my home.
When I have made them something and taken it to them. To see their face makes it all worth while. I hope you will let me share my ideas with you. Alway’s remember “You are Special!’”
When I have made them something and taken it to them. To see their face makes it all worth while. I hope you will let me share my ideas with you. Alway’s remember “You are Special!’”
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